Water Main Shut-Off (DMWV1) manual for Z-Wave

The following is an overview of the user manual for the Z-Wave product Water Main Shut-Off (DMWV1)from Dome. To view other Z-Wave products and manuals from Dome follow that link.

  1. Overview
  2. Security
  3. Features
  4. Installation instructions


Water Main Shut-Off
SKU Code
The Dome™ Home Automation DMWV1 Water Main Shut-off is designed to fit over existing ¼ turn ball-valves for pipes sized up to 1½ inch. No professional plumbing contractor is required- it can be installed by a homeowner with just a screwdriver. This device requires a Z-Wave Certified hub for operation. When configured with a Water Leak Sensor, the Water Main Shut-off can automatically cut off the supply to limit the damage. You can also remotely control the valve position using your smarthome system mobile app. Extra-long Z-Wave wireless range (up to 150 ft) allows you to place it where it’s needed without worrying if the signal is reaching your Z-Wave Hub. Also functions as Z-Wave signal extender. Dome™ DMWV1 Water Main Shut-off comes with a 1-year limited warranty. Measurements in inches: 2.5 x 3.5 x 6. Dome™ Home Automation Z-Wave devices give your family peace of mind and security you can count on. With Dome™, you’re always connected and always covered.

• Installs over existing valve without need of a plumber using just a screw driver. Works with ¼ turn ball-valves on pipes sized up to 1½ inch
• Open/Close valve control allowing for automatic water shut-off when leaks are detected as well as on demand control using your smarthome mobile app.
• Up to 150-foot range. Functions as Z-Wave signal extender
• Z-Wave Plus Certified. Requires a Z-Wave Certified Hub to operate
Version #
HW: 2 FW: 0.02 was the version certified
Certification #
Z-Wave Version


As a Z-Wave Plus certified product, Water Main Shut-Off supports Z-Wave S2 security. The following security modes are directly supported:


    Dome describes Water Main Shut-Off as having the following features:

    • Switch Type
    • Color
    • FLiRS capable
    • Supports Network Wide Inclusion
    • Supports Z-Wave Explorer Frames
    • Supports Z-Wave SmartStart allowing you to setup the product simply by scanning its QR code via

    Installation instructions

    1. For proper inclusion, bring the Water Main Shut-Off to the final location where it will be used. *
    2. Follow the instructions for your Z-Wave controller to enter inclusion mode.
    3 Make sure the Water Main Shut-Off is powered on, and when prompted by your controller, press the “open/close” button quickly 3 times in a row. The LED will stop blinking and stay on continuously upon successful inclusion.
    *For non Z-Wave Plus networks, please consult the owner’s manual for your primary controller to determine the best method and location for adding the Water Main Shut-Off to your Z-Wave network.

    Factory reset Water Main Shut-Off

    Press and hold the open/close button for at least 10 seconds then release. The Shut-Off’s memory will be erased to factory settings. A flashing light indicates a successful factory reset. Beware that resetting your device will disconnect it from your system. Only do this if the controller is missing or otherwise unreachable!

    1. Follow the instructions for your Z-Wave certified Controller to enter exclusion mode.
    2. When prompted, press the “open/close” button on the Shut-Off quickly 3 times in a row.

    Please note that this is a user manual Water Main Shut-Off from Dome is provided as is and without warranty; all information contained herein is provided by the manufacturer or the certifying body. The information provided is for reference only and is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional advice. ZWaveProducts.com only warrants and is only able to support products purchased directly from us. If you have Water Main Shut-Off and have not purchased it from us, please contact the manufacturer directly with any further questions you may have.