Z-Wave Plus Siren (DMS01) manual for Z-Wave

The following is an overview of the user manual for the Z-Wave product Z-Wave Plus Siren (DMS01)from Dome. To view other Z-Wave products and manuals from Dome follow that link.

  1. Overview
  2. Security
  3. Features
  4. Installation instructions


Dome Z-Wave Plus Siren
SKU Code
The Dome™ Home Automation DMS01 Siren offers ten user selectable sounds with three volume levels (at up to 105dB) and adjustable siren timeout (30/60/300 seconds or infinite). It includes a functionality of an alarm siren, doorbell and an audible chime notification when door/window opens (advanced settings subject to Z-Wave Hub compatibility). Additional visual notification is provided by built-in flashing LED’s when triggered. One of a kind device on the market with 100% battery operation allowing for easy installation anywhere in your home. There is a 3-year battery life, so you can always be confident that your siren has power. Extra-long Z-Wave wireless range (up to 150 ft) allows you to place it where it’s needed without worrying if the signal is reaching your Z-Wave Hub. Dome™ DMS01 Siren comes with a 1-year limited warranty. Measurements in inches: 2.625 x 2.625 x 1.125. Dome™ Home Automation Z-Wave devices give your family peace of mind and security you can count on. With Dome™, you’re always connected and always covered.
Version #
HW: 48 FW: 2.65 was the version certified
Certification #
Z-Wave Version


As a Z-Wave Plus certified product, Z-Wave Plus Siren supports Z-Wave S2 security. The following security modes are directly supported:


    Dome describes Z-Wave Plus Siren as having the following features:

    • Battery Quantity
    • Battery powered using CR123A batteries
    • Color
    • FLiRS capable
    • Supports Network Wide Inclusion
    • Supports Z-Wave Explorer Frames
    • Supports Z-Wave SmartStart allowing you to setup the product simply by scanning its QR code via

    Installation instructions

    Use the Binary Switch command class to trigger the main siren, or the Indicator. Set command to trigger one of ten different secondary chime notifications (indicator.set accepts values from 01~0A.)

    Factory reset Z-Wave Plus Siren

    To disconnect from the Z-Wave Network and restore factory default settings:
    1. Open the Back Plate and make sure the Siren is powered.
    1. Hold the Connect Button for 10 seconds until the LED Ring blinks once, then release the button.
    Only do this if the controller is missing or otherwise unreachable!

    Follow the instructions for your Z-Wave certified Controller to enter exclusion mode.
    When prompted by the Controller:
    1. Remove the Back Plate of the Siren.
    2. Press the Connect Button quickly 3 times in a row.
    The LED Ring will flash five times indicating exclusion/disconnection.

    Follow the instructions for your Z-Wave certified Controller to enter inclusion mode.
    When prompted by the Controller:
    1. For proper inclusion, bring the Siren to the final location where it will be used. *
    2. Remove the Back Plate of the Siren.
    3. Remove the Battery Tabs.
    4. Press the Connect Button quickly 3 times in a row.
    The LED Ring will flash five times indicating inclusion.
    *For non Z-Wave Plus networks, please consult the owner’s manual for your primary controller to determine the best method and location for adding the Siren to your Z-Wave network.

    Please note that this is a user manual Z-Wave Plus Siren from Dome is provided as is and without warranty; all information contained herein is provided by the manufacturer or the certifying body. The information provided is for reference only and is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional advice. ZWaveProducts.com only warrants and is only able to support products purchased directly from us. If you have Z-Wave Plus Siren and have not purchased it from us, please contact the manufacturer directly with any further questions you may have.