Nexia One Touch (NX1000) manual for Z-Wave

The following is an overview of the user manual for the Z-Wave product Nexia One Touch (NX1000)from Ingersoll Rand - Nexia Home Intelligence. To view other Z-Wave products and manuals from Ingersoll Rand / Nexia follow that link.

  1. Overview
  2. Security
  3. Features
  4. Installation instructions


Nexia One Touch
SKU Code
The Nexia One Touch is a wall controller device that can act as a central scene controller or a traditional stand-alone scene controller. The Nexia One Touch contains up to 15 different scenes organized in 3 pages of screen where each page contains 5 scenes. The Nexia One Touch conveniently runs up to 15 modes and automations with the tap of a button.
Version #
01 was the version certified
Certification #
Z-Wave Version


As a Z-Wave Plus certified product, Nexia One Touch supports Z-Wave S2 security. The following security modes are directly supported:


    Ingersoll Rand / Nexia describes Nexia One Touch as having the following features:

    • FLiRS capable
    • Supports Network Wide Inclusion
    • Supports Z-Wave Explorer Frames
    • Supports Z-Wave SmartStart allowing you to setup the product simply by scanning its QR code via

    Installation instructions

    1. Put primary controller into exclusion mode
    2. Press any button to wake the One Touch
    3. Press and hold the middle page button (round button) until the Installer Setup menu appears
    4. Select the 'Z-Wave' button
    5. Select the 'Exclude' button
    6. Exclude will fast flash and then SUCCESS will display briefly

    When the backlight and/or screen is off, the first page (round) button press will wake the One Touch causing it to send a Wakeup Notification report.

    The One Touch has a 6 hour default wakeup interval and will send the Wakeup Notification once that interval expires.

    Min Wake Up Interval : 4200 seconds
    Max Wake Up Interval: 86400 seconds
    Default Wake Up Interval: 21600 seconds
    Wake Up Interval Step: 10

    1. Put primary controller into inclusion mode
    2. Press any button to wake the One Touch
    3. Press and hold the middle page button (round button) until the Installer Setup menu appears
    4. Select the 'Z-Wave' button
    5. Select the 'Include' button
    6. Include will fast flash and then SUCCESS will display briefly

    Factory reset Nexia One Touch

    Please use Factory Reset as a last resort option only as all network settings and associations will be cleared.

    1. Press any button to wake the One Touch
    2. Press and hold the middle page button (round button) until the Installer Setup menu appears
    3. Select the 'System' button
    4. Select the 'Factory Reset' button
    5. Select 'Yes' to proceed with the factory reset

    Please note that this is a user manual Nexia One Touch from Ingersoll Rand - Nexia Home Intelligence is provided as is and without warranty; all information contained herein is provided by the manufacturer or the certifying body. The information provided is for reference only and is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional advice. only warrants and is only able to support products purchased directly from us. If you have Nexia One Touch and have not purchased it from us, please contact the manufacturer directly with any further questions you may have.