Square D Z-Wave manuals and user guides

Square D have certified 9 different Z-Wave products to the Z-Wave Plus or Z-Wave Plus V2 standard. The user manuals for those products can be accessed by clicking the links below.

Z-Wave DimmerSQR22101**Z
Z-Wave Plug-inSQR62101WHZ
Z-Wave Plus Auxiliary SwitchSQR50101**Z (** means the color code)
Z-Wave Plus DimmerSQR22102**Z (** means the color code)
Z-Wave Plus Plug-inSQR62102WHZ
Z-Wave Plus ReceptacleSQR44102**Z (** means the color code)
Z-Wave Plus SwitchSQR14102**Z (** means color code)
Z-Wave ReceptacleSQR44101**Z
Z-Wave Switch Single PoleSQR14101**Z

This list was last updated on 1 March 2023.